Saturday 19 April 2014

Crappie queen!

So I m blogging again. Speaking about the upcoming school exam, it really frightened me like I have never felt that nervous before. Not that I scared of dropping classes, but an undefined feeling stroke me, causing me to wake up with a start in midnight. Maybe it's because of the pressure teachers exert on  us. We pity victims. Anyway, my main purpose of blogging isn't this obviously. I would like to tell ya that I am currently very obsessed with wan chi's blog like I view it every day. How inspiring ikr. Hopefully one day my blog will become that inspiring, who knows? Nicole's old blog is inspiring too, till now I still don't understand why she got the urge to make a new blog again. Then I know I m talking crap again. Duh...  I don't understand why are u still reading my post? Isn't it boring? Okay okay let's talk about the point. Do you guys think I need to create a new blog like Nicole did? Not that I want to do so but since nic said her old blog is a failure and my blog seems way failed than hers so yeah. Reading my blog is like reading literature, if only you get what I mean. Ugh bing chieh hasn't been blogging since march. So bing chiehy. You know what she is probably studying like mad at home. Bing seriously this is a compliment. Haha all those bullshit I hv written here is just bullshit. My main main purpose of writing this post is that I feel bored right now so I do it, blogging. I finally understand why my blog is a big failure. Sorry blog, promise not to do this next time. Like people cared. Will try to post something meaningful next time. Bye.

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