The awesome blogger.

My name's Florence. Call me the dog lover, dessert lover, music lover, Starbucks lover, novel reader, drama watcher, school hater, photographer, singer, pianist and fashion addict.

1. Indoor or Outdoor?
Definitely indoor. I am never an athlete. Trust me, you'll hardly see me holding a racquet playing badminton in the field. I would rather sit on the ground under a shady tree and chat with my friends.

2. Drama or Movie?
Drama! Especially KOREAN dramas!

3. What is the matter worrying you the most recently?
MY HEIGHT! I am always 156cm. Please let me grow taller!

4. Are you emotional?
Yes, I am. I will wear a broad smile on my face but actually deep inside my heart it hurts.

5. Can you get along well with the others?
It depends. I can't get along well with the teachers because they hate the way I speak and I hate the ways they teach so yeah. I am good at making friends, maybe?

6. Are you tolerant?
Ops I am not.

7. How do you spend your leisure time?
- Scroll down the newsfeed of INSTAGRAM and facebook.
-Eat something.
-Watch drama or movie.
-Read novel.
-Play piano.

8. Which season do you prefer?

9. Who is your idol?
- Taylor Swift
-Lee Min Ho
-Wang Lee Hom
-Joey Leong

10. Do you like shopping?
Are you asking crap? I can even spend a whole day shopping non-stop.

11. Do you consider yourself as vain?
Yes, maybe?

12. Who you can't live without?
My friends and my family.

13. Do you like to study?
No, I don't. I just study for exams.

14. Which part of your body do you hate the most?
My ears!

15. Do you travel a lot?
I just travel asia.

16. What time do you sleep everyday?
1/2 o'clock, maybe?

17. Do you have the habit of writing diary?
No. I used to write diary but my brother always found my diary which I kept underneath my bed and he read out loud in front of everyone so I have the phobia of writing diaty since then.

18. Do you like floral stuff?
Yes, I would say I am inspired by my lovely Nicole and she is inspired by Wan Chi. And I like pastel colours.

19. Are you obese?
Er I don't know but my friends call me pregnant woman sometimes.

20. Do you think you will make your blog a success?
I would say I will try my best but what I need are some luck and of course you, my lovely reader :)