Sunday 20 April 2014

Blogging nonsense again!

Hello here I'm blogging again. I dunno why but seriously I am addicted to blogging like every day. Haha it's a good sign I supposed. Well then, exam is nearer. (This gonna start my every post until I am done with exam. It won't be long though. Hopefully.)  Okay okay let's just forget about the upcoming exam. Now I want to tell you readers. You know what? I'm totally over with branded stuffs. Mum will cry in tears if she hears me ahah, tears of happiness I bet. Not that I will not buy anymore branded stuffs, but I will choose the ones on sale. I remember I once saw a caption 'you don't have to be rich to be fashion, all you need is to do is to accessorise well.' I swear this is the best fashion advice I have ever heard. But first of all I need to do is to work out every day. I remember I once posted how I did work out and I did not post any of my 'after process' pic right? This is because my project skinny is a total fuck up. It is a big big big failure. I bet it's the biggest failure in my life. *sigh sigh sigh* Anyway I will start my project skinny again after my mid-year exam. Ok, look it's almost 5 and yet I'm here talking bullshit. Haha still don't understand why you are reading my boring post. Ok ok bye.

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