Wednesday 26 February 2014

The angel and the master.

We jump on the bandwagon playing a game called the angel and the master. I hv recieved two letters from my angel and master respectively so far. Despite the super slow speed they write the letter, I think they hv put in quite a great effort to decorate the letters and find interesting topics to chat with me. Since I hv recommended my angel to visit my blog, so this's why I am posting this. I haven't been blogging for quite some time, and finally I get to blog now. I have sacrificed my nap time just to blog this so you guys should really read my post from the start to the end although it is quite boring. I remeber I hv swore to make my blog a success but it seems that success is just too far from me right now. I bet a lazy blogger can never succeed unless he/she spares out more time for blogging. But it will never be me as I am really busy! Another thing which I am super excited about is that I am participating in a competition called puzzlers' challenge with nicole. It is on the coming sunday and we are asked to wear school pj tee and long jeans. This is really bad cos my school pj tee is ugly! But the good thing about participating in this competition is that I can run away from my tuition classes! Hooray! I am looking forward to it and I wish I could wake up on time and won't be late, hopefully. Hey, I am writing way too long, I gtg, byeeeeee!

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