Tuesday 4 February 2014

Sad case!

I feel so sad. Everyone feels sad. Workers and students are going back to their normal lives which they don't really want to but they do not have a choice. Students like me are gonna blame for the short chinese new year holidays. I did not do anything listed on my to-do lists. Sad case. This scenario always happens especially on people who are as lazy as me. What about my keep-fit plan? Well, I was actually determined enough for the first few days. But after my family saw me going on diet so hardly, they kept on encouraging me to continue going on diet after chinese new year so this was another failure! February is going to be a month which I won't have any fun but keep myself busy dealing with piles of homework and books. I shouldn't blame for anything cos a student's responsibility is to study (In malaysia, is to study like a mad dog). Look at the clock! It's 10:25 p.m. and I am going to sleep. I have to wake up early the next morning urgh. So goodnight readers!

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