Wednesday 29 January 2014

Keep-fit plan!

I don't know whether my decision is right or wrong, but I just have the urge of going on diet lately. People might think this is impossible as everyone is celebrating Chinese New Year now and delicious food will be served for every day. People could not resist or deprive herself from mouth-watering food right? So I should have a very strong determination and perseverance in order to start on my keep-fit plan.Do you guys know wan chi? She has a blog and she has posted a post about how she did her project skinny. I think it has inspired me a lot and it is why I feel like going on diet. Wan chi has said that she does not encourage people to eat any medicines or have improper meal every day, and I think this is true. You won't slim down by using this kind of methods, you will somehow become fatter. No joke. Before you start on the project skinny, you should think of the consequences like seriously. You don't want your body gets hurt or your health gets affected right? So the best thing to do is to seek for parent's or a doctor's advice before you go on diet. Like my mum did not promote me to go on diet at first. But then when she saw my belly bloating and my tights do not have any gaps at all, she told me that I should really work out for my own health and beauty. Lazy people like me seldom do sports. So we shouldn't do difficult exercises in the beginning of our keep-fit plan as it will hurt our body. Imagine a baby who wants to jump before he/she can walk. Basically, I do all the exercises wan chi did before while she was on her project skinny. I run treadmill once a week. I rum for three whole round for the first week. I think I will slowly increase the distance week by week. Secondly, I do inner tight exercises for 20times per leg every day. You can go and visit wan chi's blog as she has shared the video on how to do inner-tight exercises. Thirdly,I do sit-ups 15 times every day. This is the hardest part and it will cause your stomach muscles to contract and you will feel a little bit painful. No worries. You will get used to it after a while. Lastly, I jump skipping rope for 100 times every day. We are teenager so hopefully we can still grow taller. I don't know whether it can work for me or not, but it can help me to loose weight for sure. I do download an apps which is the fitness pal in my android phone. It is useful and pretty motivative. It counts the calories you have consumed every day and the exercises you have done to burn your calories. It is recommended by wan chi too so I think you should really go and visit her blog. Her blog is really inspiring. Alright this is the post about my exercises and for food I will do another post. Buh-bye!

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