Monday 27 January 2014

Looking forward to celebrating the Chinese New Year!

    Finally I get to blog again after taking a long-hour nap. As you know, I'm not the kind of girl who will spend the whole afternoon reading or facebooking. I prefer sleeping rather than doing other things like reading a novel or watching movies. People often think that taking a nap is a waste of time, but to me, it is a must-do for every afternoon. I do think of getting rid of this habit, I mean I would like to reduce the hours of my six-hour nap time per day to one hour. But, the point is although I have set my alarm clock to wake me up and have turned its sound to maximum, still, I couldn't wake up... So end up I will fail to complete all my homework and I feel so sad about that.
    Could you smell the chinese new year mood in the air? Probably it is a big yes! Mum has started baking chinese new year cookies and the sensation of stealing cookies comes to me again like I am alive after a long and dull day. I am weird, or maybe a little bit naive, but no one cares about that and no one has the right to comment anything cos everyone on earth is weird. Another thing which I am super excited about for the upcoming chinese new year is that I get to wear everything new from head to toe. This is one of the chinese traditions which I feel so right. Dresses and flirty skirts are waiting for me and I'm shouting back, " I'm coming!" Haha, this is supposed to be funny. Well, I do list out some things which I would want to do during the coming chinese new year. ( List-obsession comes alive!)
-Rewatch Harry Potter and the goblet of fire.
-Watch an old movie which is The Notebook. Kind of romantic according to my friends.
-Read John Green's novel " Looking for alaska" which I think I will find it interesting.
-Capture a lot of photos. This is a must-do for everyone so there is no need for me to list out LOL
-Do some shopping. Maybe, maybe not?

Alright, it's time to go. Goodnight, people.

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