Friday 10 January 2014

Life in 2014.

    Let me see, today's the exactly tenth day we leap into 2014. Well, I know I haven't been updating my blog for quite some time and my friends keep on complaining that they could just see the brunch alone whenever they view on my blog. Now, let me apologise that I have really lost the passion for writing blog post before but since I have said that I vow to make this blog a success, then what should I do? This'll be a very short update about how my life changes in 2014. There is no big difference, I mean I still go to school everyday, but I am studying in morning period now. I usually wake up at 5:45 a.m. every school day. I have had the habit of eating breakfast after studying in morning period so my lifestyle is getting healthier and healthier day by day. Although I intend to skip meals sometimes, or have supper at the late night, but it happens not so often than before. I go to school by a car. It's under carpool company and I get to sit in the same car with my friend Zhi Ying who lives just opposite my house ( I just discovered it last December ==). To be honest, the car is just like my second bedroom. You will see me sleeping all the way to school cos I have a sleepy head and mostly due to the insufficient sleep of yesterday night. When I am in school, I start to pay attention to the teacher in the class. I think this is the biggest change of me in 2014. And I find it quite useful as I don't have to read everything myself and I could memorize the key words easier. I am more optimistic now, and I know Nicole is, too. This is a good change, I suppose. However, I do also have the habit of taking forty winks now and I know that I'm wasting my time to take such a long-hour nap everyday. I will get rid of this habit! Hopefully I am determined enough to do so. I learn my lesson that you can never miss class cos seriously it will affect your studies! And to get good grades in your studies, all you have to do is to get yourself some motivation. I have to go for tuition almost everyday, except Monday, which I consider it is a leisure day! Don't ask me why I go for tuition, this is just what Malaysia students do, and people will see you like a freak if you don't have at least one tuition. 2014 is a year which I grow up to be in 15 years old and am considered as a teenager. I hope that I could be a better me in 2014 and I will never lose hopes and motivation. Look, it's 9:13 p.m. now, I have to go like seriously. Hopefully I will get to update my blog as soon as possible. Bye.

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