Friday 29 November 2013

Strange me.

This is a very very random crap which means you can directly ignore this. But if you still choose to read it, then I'm sure you're either a good friend of mine or you're too bored. Well, I'm gonna make a short list about things I crave for recently.
1. Cuddle. I think this is really cool and sweet. But the fact is I don't have boyfriend. Duh.
2. Your boyfriend (my future boyfriend) holds your hand and puts it into his pocket when the weather is cold. Too bad, Malaysia is forever sunny. Duh.
3.Your boyfriend hugs you from your back. This is really awesome!
4. Chocolate is always there for me.
5. I could hang out more often with my friends.
6. I could play my piano exam pieces smoothly and rhythmically.
7. I could sleep for 48 hours.
8. Mum brings me to Gurney and not Queensbay.
9. Nicole could come to my house as soon as possible.
10. Go travelling. 
I have to say that I watched the heirs too much that's why I have very very strange cravings like cuddling and blah blah blah. So just ignore this.  Ok, see you soon. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

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