Saturday 30 November 2013

Crappie. Just crappies.

Saw Nicole posted what she did in November and I think like seriously did I do anything special so far? The answer disappoints me as I didn't do anything that is listed on my to-do list. Sad case. I gotta list out what I have done during the very precious school holidays.
1. I have read over 500 chinese novels. I'm serious and m not lying. It's hard to believe.  IKR.
2. I hanged out twice with my friends. I went shopping at queensbays mall with sherwin, rebecca and my lil sis. Weird right. Cos my sis was bored at home so yeah. N I went shopping and singing k with BC and Nat at Gurney. Yay.
3.I bought two new sunnies which I'm going to wear on my December trip. I'm super excited 'bout that cos I'm going to the beach and sea. Oh!
4. I watched the heirs till ep16 and I feel quite sad cos I hv to wait till next Thursday for the next episode. Duh.
5. I played tetris battle using mum's fb acc and I helped her to uprank from rank1 to rank25 within five days. I'm master of games. Feeee. I'm just kidding?
6. I went photoshooting with Nic and Ethel at botanical garden. I had my very very first visit to botanical garden and I'm happy 'bout that.
7. I ate happy meal and got a little toy which is paul frank hahahaha. I'm not naive pls be noticed.
8. I deleted my fb acc and instagram acc. I vowed not to reactivate them again. Yet I created a new instagram acc cos I have too many photos to be posted. Feeeee.
Yeah I can't think of anything else. I'm such a crap. Crap Crap Crap. Life is full of crapssss. Who cares 'bout  that, yeah? Feeeeee. I hv been saying too much feeeee. Sorry 'bout that. Feeeeebeeeeee. Byeeeeee. XxoxoXOxo.

Woops. I feel really disgusted for seeing guys who crave for fame but they r just everywhere. They r guys. Weeps. No offense. B. Don't be offended. B.

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