Friday 8 November 2013

My cute princess's birthday!

    My baby princess celebrated her birthday at my house tonight. I was surprised when I knew it on the way coming back home from school cos her birthday is actually on tomorrow. But since she attempted to celebrate today, we did manage to prepare some food for her birthday celebration. She had had her birthday cake and she brought it to my house with some boxes of kentucky and of course it did have my favourite food, cheezy wedges! But I didn't capture any of the kentucky so down there you can just see her birthday cake. It's a very very cute round cake decorated with the smurf. If you are wondering why she chose the smurf as the decoration of her birthday cake, this is because she looks like the smurf, seriously!

And here are two photos of ah shuen with her birthday cake. She looked happy!

Ah shuen with mum and dad.

Dad looked a bit weird but who cares?

After cutting her cake, she was like finally I get to eat my cake! It's time to bid farewell so see you on my next post! Bye!

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