Wednesday 6 November 2013

When it comes to public holiday!

  Hey guys, you are right, this is my third blog and I swear I wouldn't go create a new blog again. Back to today's blogging, I would like to blog about last Tuesday. As you guys know, it's a public holiday, so it just didn't seem right for us to stay at home, doing nothing but starring at the ceiling. So mum and I planned of going to Gurney at first, but she ended up lazy to drive a long distance to Gurney so we just went to Queensbay Mall.
  We had our brunch at Dome. We did capture some photos. Sorry for the bad qualities of the photos, I just took them with my phone.

Yeah, it's me. I just did light make up but I looked different. I assume this is good, huh? If you are wondering what was my drink of the day, it's just a latte as it has the least caffeine.

This is me and my sis. My friends told me we look alike, do we? I don't think so cos she is cuter and prettier than me and she has good complexion but I don't!

So after a long wait, we finally got to eat our food and we sighed a relief. We were very hungry at the moment!

This is my mum. She did have her coffee too. Actually she doesn't like to eat western food but since my sis and I like western food, she accompanied us to eat at Dome, good mum huh? 

  After filling our stomachs, we went shopping. Girls like shopping, you can't deny it so can you just keep your mouth shut and comment nothing, alright? So I didn't take any photos while I was shopping, I am not that crazy so I will just end my post with my sincere goodbye and hope you enjoy reading my post! And much welcome for you to visit my blog again! 

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