Friday 8 November 2013


    Rumours usually spread fast. I have a thin ear pinna so maybe I will believe in those rumours and start to have guard against you. But still, I don't think you are this kind of people cos you are really a good friend to make with although I have misunderstood you before. For some unfathomable reasons, I do think we can be best friends. After being warned by so many people that don't go too close with you, but I still don't think that you will use me to do something cos I have nothing to be used by you. And you deserve the chance of having a change of yourself. I don't mind what you have done before, you may not realise that your attitude has hurt someone before, perhaps, but you still can change and go onto the right path, can't you? 
    EVERYONE IS BORN TO MAKE MISTAKES. Maybe you were not that matured before, but since you grow older every year, your thinking might have changed. I think you treat me sincerely so far despite of what other people told me that you come with an ulterior motive. I seriously hope we can be good friends for ever. Well, I have to admit that you are observant and clever, and you are in contrast of me, this unobservant and silly pie. I can trust people easily so when I assume you are my best friend, please don't you ever have a knife cut on my heart. I am the type of people who can easily get hurt, so don't hurt me with your hidden weapon. I scared of pain like bloody hell.

    And here are thankful and appreciative words for all my beloved friends. Thank you for caring me, supporting me and helping me when I'm in troubles. I must have done a lot of good deeds before to have you guys in my life. I will treasure our friendships for ever, and to those who still can't trust our friendship, I will have time to prove that our friendship is true and will last for ever. 
    Lastly, could someone please organize our hang-out activities??? I will come and I promise not to oversleep, alright? Random crap has come to its end, so see you on my next post, bye!

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