Saturday 9 November 2013

Christmas is around the corner!

    Guess what? Christmas is around the corner and I immediately realise that I haven't done any Christmas shopping yet. You must have thought that I'm crazy cos Christmas is in next month but here I am thinking of doing Christmas shopping. But you know what? I don't do last-minute stuff so I think I will start buying some Christmas stuff from now onwards. Actually I have the attempt of decorating my room for Christmas but since mum told me that we are not going to celebrate Christmas in Penang so I think there is no need for me to decorate my room for Christmas. So the conclusion is I just have to buy some new clothes for Christmas and some Christmas presents for my family and some friends.
    And for your information, there are three new flavours promoted out at Starbucks for the coming Christmas. I know it cos I went to Starbucks just now with mum and I saw the shop had already been decorated up for the coming Christmas. They have even changed all the paper cups into the brand new beautiful red paper cups in order to lift up the Christmas mood. Unfortunately, I just managed to capture one photo cos I didn't wear beautiful outfit and I think it's such a waste!

It's peppermint mocha! Yumyum!

Tell you something about Nicole. Go visit in December cos she is going to blog about her travel trip which will amaze you. And she is going to celebrate Christmas there soon so you will be interested in that. Ok, so the purpose of me blogging this is just to kindly remind you that Christmas is around the corner so don't forget to do some Christmas shopping!I got to go, bye! XOXO 

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