Tuesday 12 November 2013

Big failure!

    Having known that my body size grows bigger and bigger day by day, I really hate myself for not being determined enough to go on my keep-fit plan. Could someone please motivate me to work out everyday? I looked at myself in the mirror; even though I was wearing skinny jeans but I saw no tight gap between my tights at all. In fact, my legs are short and fat! And my belly fat could even be used to cook food! Oh my god, I really have to do more exercises so that I will thank myself for what I have done in order to keep my body fit in the future. So what should I do as my daily exercises? This also worries me the most cos I heard that jogging and climbing mountains could hurt our knees. I think the best exercise is to jump skipping rope so I could slim down my body and also grow taller, perhaps?
    I am going to the beach during the coming school holidays and everyone will be wearing the supremely sexy bikinis but to me, I think I will wrap myself up like a ball. First, I don't have sexy body and I don't dare to wear bikini. Second, I don't want to get sunburnt! I used to get sunburnt before when I went for holidays at Batu Feringghi. I woke up at 7 o'clock in the morning and after eating my breakfast, I jumped into the swimming pool and started to swim with my cousins. We swam for 15 hours and when we got up from the pool, our whole bodies were bloody red and even peeling. We were shocked and mum bought us yogurts to apply on our whole bodies. It took months to get back our original skin tones and I think I ain't going to take that risk anymore. 
    Not to be forgotten is that today's food fair was a big failure! We didn't sell out all our sausages and I think I have phobia of sausages ever since I saw our very failed sausages! I think I'm not going to eat sausages for the rest of my life. They make me feel like I'm going to vomit when I smell the cheese on them. I took two sticks of sausages on my hands and tried my best to sell them out but no one attempted to buy them and this made me feel like I was a failure too. I am not good at promoting things so salesgirl will be a big no for my future job! I ended up selling nothing but wearing myself out like hell and I fell asleep in the car on my way back home from school and this scene even be seen by song ning and I think she is not going to forget this scene after all.
    It was a long day. Thank god I don't have to go to school tomorrow. I could sleep till what time I wish to and I think this is the best thing ever in my life. In conclusion, I will use whatever method to get myself motivated to do exercise every day. Give me a clap and I'm going to sleep. Don't miss me, bye!

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