Thursday 19 June 2014

Short update.

    After so long, finally i am blogging again. A big apology for not posting 'out and about' in holidays cos i really don't have time to do so. And now, i am also not free so this will be just a short update.
    For those live in Malaysia and are going to take PT3 exam, you must have been informed that the new format of the exam was released on last Monday at 9a.m. In case you don't know where to find the website to have a look at the model paper so here i am giving you the address. Click in to find relevant information. I hope you find it useful!
    Then speaking of current obssesion, i am totally in love with my PC, inspired by my friend, Nic. I bought this PC last year with a super cheap price like RM1400. Actually, i just want to use this PC to do school projects so i never expect much of it and i don't think i need a super high-tech one so yeah.
    Although my PC is in my room but to be honest, i rarely use it cos i am too lazy to switch it on. However, lately i have the urge to explore it and much to my amazement, it is actually quite useful. I use Microsoft Office Word a lot!
    Alright i gtg cos it's too late. Bb!

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