Saturday 7 December 2013

Today's post.

Just now I did some shopping. Ok I do shopping almost every week and there is nothing special. Well, obviously this isn't the point. The point is that I bought something to wear on Christmas and I'm super excited about that. It's a red and white sweater. It isn't that thick so I could wear it in sabah. As you guys know I am not travelling overseas this holiday but sabah! And I am going to celebrate Christmas there so a not-so-thick sweater would be nice to wear on that day. This is going to be a family trip and we children are all like yay we are going to beaches and seas together. I swear I will go snorkeling if I have the chance to and will not bother about my skin. My skin is not that good already so it won't affect much if it gets a bit darker. Well, to be nicer, I would better say tanner. Haha. I heard lots of my friends travelling to Europe and America this time. Those are places which I wish to travel to so so much! If only dad has time to bring us there. Btw, a trip to sabah is not bad though and since there are lot of us going there, so I think we will have a lot of fun. Ok, I would better go read my novel. Sry for no pictures posting recently. I don't have good quality photos (I have told you guys about this for thousand times.) Ok bye!

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