Monday 2 December 2013


Being perfect is just too mainstream. If you don't like the way I dress up myself, just shut up. If you think I look ugly, just shut up. If you think I look short, just shut up. If you think I look fat, just shut up. If you think I am rude, just shut up. If you think I am stubborn, just shut up. If you think imma freak, just shut up. If you think I'm hard to communicate with, just shut up. If you think I hate you, just be off. If you think you are uneasy when I'm with you, just be off. If you think I ain't going to entertain you, just be off. If you hate the idol I love, just be off. If you hate I apply make up on my face, just don't see. All you have to do is shut up, be off and comment nothing. I am not born to entertain you. You don't have any right to comment anything about me. Who you think you are? Shut up and give the earth a peaceful place to live. Thanks haters. As you are my motivators. 

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