Thursday 1 May 2014

Impossible dreams.

-Sorry that i'm not going to post about Labour Day today. (Typical Florence ikr. ) 

Everyone has a dream. But i have the wildest and biggest dreams. I know my dreams will never come true and i can never just leave everything behind me and go chasing my dreams. But really i hope someone will understand me and support me although my dreams are crazy and wild and not really acceptable. My list obsession comes back to me again and now i am going to list out my dreams:

1. I hope i can own a horse one day. I don't know why but i just love horses. I have never ridden a horse before. Maybe once but i can't really remember. I wish i can have a boyfriend who loves riding a horse too and has better skill than mine. We can go riding horses during weekend etc. It sounds boring but i think it is romantic! Look at this picture and you will understand how i feel.

2. I love singing very much. I know i can't sing really well but i still feel like becoming a singer in the future. Another dream which will never come true. I love how i catch the attention of everyone while i am singing but i never did. I love how i am singing on stage with everyone starring at me and mouth dropping opened. I love how i make people feel whenever they listen to my song my voice. But this will never happen on me. 

My forever idol and role model.

3. I wish i can take part in F1 or any international car racing competition. I know for a child who has not even known how to drive a car like me sounds talking crap here but yes i love sports cars and i think i will love the thrill of racing car in the future if only i get the chance to do so. I love the feeling of having gone and either dead or alive. 

Brand: Lamborghini 
Model: Huracan LP 610-4
Currently favourite model. Too bad it doesn't come in red colour. 

Okay don't ask me to stop dreaming.Everyone has the right to dream and i love dreaming. Bye!

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