Sunday 27 April 2014

Astronomy camp!

   I feel so drowsy right now as i just came back from BM tuition class. I'm blogging here bcos i hv promised to blog about the astronomy camp i took part in yesterday. So i woke up really early in the morning although the camp started at 8:30 a.m.. My bro had to go for his school activities so mum insisted to drive both of us there at 7:30 a.m.. She said there would be a terrible jam but in fact there wasn't any. So i arrived at clhs at 7:45a.m. which was far too early. Luckily i met qian hui there who kept me accompany so i wasn't really bored then.
    Our activity started with a game which took about less than 30 minutes. We stood in a big circle and were given instructions about the rules and regulation of the game we were going to play. Losers were asked to do a short mind-intro and my friends shu qi and jia sien were the losers. After the game, we went back to the auditorium to listen to a talk about the astronomy given by the organizer who is quite good looking. Like finally we got to do something related to the astronomy which was quite boring. So we decided to take some selfies haha. Photoboom time!

Sorry Emelynn i also dunno why is ur face here?!

After that, we made our water rocket which uses to principle of air pressure and water pressure to work. It was the first hand-made water rocket in my life. 

So we were finally done with the water rocket. We then went to the field to see whether it could work or not.

Of course it worked and i took a video of it but i am not going to upload it here cos it takes quite some time to upload it.Sorry about that.

Girls are vain. We did not waste the chance of taking photos even though we were in the field and under the scorching sun.

Behind the sticker obviously it is me. Because of the huge contrast so yeah.

So swag i know right!

And then this is the photo i like the most which qualifies my photography skill.


Love what i took for reburks!

Later, we were distributed in several groups and i was so lucky to be in a group which boys are not childish. Shu qi thought so. And this is when i realised shu qi is really good at playing station games and captain ball. One of the boy in my team, Yi chong also thinks that shu qi is good at playing captain ball. While we were playing, i was right in front of him and thought he was going to pass the ball to me but in fact he threw the ball to shu qi who was standing quite far away from him. You can imagine how terrible i am when it comes to sports. The station games were fun. I just managed to snap one photo throughout the whole games. 

You can see how cooperative they were. Look at the wet hair and you will know he is a good leader. Shu qi  please don't tell the truth.

So the camp finally came to an end and we all went back home at 5.00 p.m.. Tiring day but really fun. Ok i gtg stay tuned to my next post.

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