Saturday 22 March 2014

Happy holiday?

I have just realized that holidays do not make any differences from school days. I still have to go for tuition, still have to do pile of homework, still have to wake up early, still don't get enough rest. The only difference is I don't have to go to school which I don't really matter. I have also realized that girls can gossip for hours. Like my friends and I, we gossiped for almost two hours yesternight, from beautiful girls to handsome boys, and we finally finished our convo at 12:15a.m..  Today I woke up early as I went to renew my passport at butterworth and tomorrow I still have to wake up early to attend tuition classes. Life like this kills me. I really need a sabbatical period. I want to go far far away where no one can find me, disappear all of a sudden and see who will miss me the most. Seems like I am way too naive to have a thought like this, but please be honest to me, you also want to get away from your hectic life too, not only me. Anyway, life still goes on. Wish you guys a happy holiday!

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